Road Map
Too ambitious for you to believe in. But if we aim for the sun, we'll make it to the moon.
Q1 2025:
Start of NFT Collection Who am I (first 77 arts)
Launch of $Alexa Meme
End of Seed and start of Public Distribution phase.
Finalising the Claim Page development.
Start of Community Minting phase.
The addition of new unique units to the Who Am I collection.
Q2 2025:
Active phase of Community Minting
Release of the main non-unique part of the Who am I collection (7000 arts)
The addition of new unique units to the Who Am I collection.
Launch of co-marketing events.
Q3 2025:
Active phase of Community Minting
The addition of new unique units to the Who Am I collection.
Continue of co-marketing events.
Q4 2025:
Active phase of Community Minting
Add all unique units to the final Who Am I collection (777 uniaue arts, 7777 arts in total).
Continue of co-marketing events.
Last updated