Community Minting and priority distributions
First and foremost, each NFT in the Who am I collection guarantees its owner a share of the daily community minting allocation. Users will automatically receive a guaranteed 30% daily part of the minting allocation. Owners of the NFT will receive more than 150 million $ALEXA during Community Minting distribution phase on the daily basis.
In addition, the 'Who am I' collection will be updated with unique units throughout the year until the total number of arts reaches 7777 NFTs. At the same time, owners of previously released items from this collection will be given priority access to minting whitelist of new works from Alexa.
This mechanic also applies to Alexa's future collections. Who am I is the basic, core, core collection, so its holdings will always be prioritised by community members.
Let's not forget the potential co-marketing opportunities. New early opportunities for our partners will be available just for loyal fans and NFT Art holders from the core 'Who am I' collection.
Last updated